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Birmingham, AL | ENT Specialists
Two hearing aids held together making a heart shape over blue background.

Give the Gift of Better Hearing

It’s the holiday season, and you’re likely in the middle of getting your gift list soundly together so that the wrapping can begin and end in short order. But when the pressure is on, coming up with the perfect present…

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a hand holding a piece of paper

6 hearing aid myths debunked

Hearing Aid Myths   “Hearing devices are only for old people.” “I hear just fine without a hearing aid.” “Hearing devices are expensive.” “Hearing aids never work well.”  These are just a few of the many misconceptions surrounding hearing aids.…

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Phonak Audéo Marvel Lunch & Learn

Phonak Audéo   Have you ever wondered if you or a loved one would benefit from the use of a hearing aid? Maybe you know that it’s time to address your hearing loss, but you’ve been putting it off because…

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