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Birmingham, AL | ENT Specialists
A female ENT physician with red manicured nails places black headphones on a young woman, performing a hearing test.

How Often Should I Have My Hearing Tested?

Like getting your eyes checked or having a yearly checkup, including hearing tests in your wellness routine is important for staying healthy. Hearing loss, unlike vision that gets noticeably worse as we age, can sneak up slowly, making it easy…

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Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Understanding noise-induced hearing loss

Understanding Hearing Loss   Hearing loss is more common than you may think. In fact, more than 5 percent of the world’s population struggles with it. That includes 432 million adults and 34 million children. While natural aging, injury, illness,…

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3 ways to protect your hearing

Huh? What did you say? Can you repeat that one more time? It is one thing if you have a moment of not being able to hear, but what if you are constantly asking the aforementioned questions? Then, you might…

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