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Birmingham, AL | ENT Specialists
A female ENT physician with red manicured nails places black headphones on a young woman, performing a hearing test.

How Often Should I Have My Hearing Tested?

Like getting your eyes checked or having a yearly checkup, including hearing tests in your wellness routine is important for staying healthy. Hearing loss, unlike vision that gets noticeably worse as we age, can sneak up slowly, making it easy…

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Two hearing aids held together making a heart shape over blue background.

Give the Gift of Better Hearing

It’s the holiday season, and you’re likely in the middle of getting your gift list soundly together so that the wrapping can begin and end in short order. But when the pressure is on, coming up with the perfect present…

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a person talking on a cell phone

Dangers of Earbud & Earpod Use

From teenagers and adolescents to working adults, everyone is using either earbuds or earpods these days. These options are like tiny speakers that fit inside the ears, and while they are convenient and useful, there are some concerns when it…

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